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Electronic devices (smart phones, tablets, and computers) are permitted in the building. However, phones that “appear” (whether in use or not) or ring during davening or in classrooms will be taken away for three school days. Furthermore, teachers are encouraged to create “technology free” times in the classroom, when tablets and computers will need to be turned off.

We recognize that the internet offers great opportunities, but also poses great dangers. We encourage families to install appropriate filters on all devices connected to the internet. ICJA will hold students responsible for what they post on the internet, both in and out of school. It is expected that members of the ICJA community will use all types of computing devices and the school’s network in a responsible, halachic, ethical and legal manner.

While ICJA iPads may be used for personal needs, ICJA owns this device and retains the right to collect and/or inspect the iPad at any time and to alter, add, or delete installed software.

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